Trader Joe’s Multigrain Pita Bite Crackers with Whole Wheat and Flax Seeds

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Trader Joe’s Multigrain Pita Bite Crackers with Whole Wheat and Flax Seeds Review

A lot of times when you buy the multi-grain version of your favorite products, I feel that they are often almost overly hearty. That, however, is the shining glory in these things! Not the case at all! They’ve packed that awesome seedy/grainy flavor into these pita crackers while still maintaining the delicate crunch and texture that makes a cracker like this great! Salted to perfection too! A lot of times I find myself ranking the multi-grain version of my favorite snacks one chest below the original, but not these guys! They are right up there with the plain pita version! 4 chest’r all the way! These go awesome with cheese. Endless possibilities though. Let us know how you like to use them down below! $2.49

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