Trader Joe’s Health-Ade Kombucha Pink Lady Review I had made mention of this previously, but it has taken me quite some time to get on

If you’ve read my blog for a while now, you know how lazy I am. You know how it goes, you wake up, you’re just

Trader Joe’s Bezi Pinot Noir Edna Valley 2018 Red Wine Review I think I’ve been dying for a decent Pinot Noir to come off the

Trader Joe’s French Vanilla Coffee Review To be quite honest, I’ve never been super excited about the coffee options at Trader Joe’s. Ever since they

Trader Joe’s Moon X 2018 Black Pinot Noir Red Wine Review You know, going into this one I had some real high hopes. After enjoying

Yes, yes…that’s me. I make no claims of greatness here. I’m just a guy. Just a lone, quirky, really good looking guy who likes to

Trader Joe’s Shelled Edamame Frozen Review Well guys, hmm…not to sure what all to tell you here. Um, these are beans, they have no husks.

Trader Joe’s Epicuro Nero D’Avola 2018 Red Wine Review As I rang out in the Trader Joe’s aisle, the guy behind the counter ASSURED me

Trader Joe’s Organic Kansas City Style Barbecue Sauce Review Well you best saddle up pardner’ and belly that fat gut up to the bar, cuz

Trader Joe’s Brew Dr. Kombucha Clear Mind Review For the longest time I’d avoided this stuff. I used to think that Kombucha was only for