Trader Joe’s Pound Plus Belgian Milk Chocolate with Almonds Review

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Trader Joe’s Pound Plus Belgian Milk Chocolate with Almonds Review

Picture this. It’s 3am. You can’t sleep. You’re all wrapped around the axle cause some chick named Wendy wont give you the time of day. You’re down and out. You feel like binge eating to make yourself feel better for a short moment in time. You need chocolate. Cheap. Good. Chocolate. NOW. Well, you’re in luck casue you stopped by Tj’s earlier and you picked yourself up a nice hunk of this $5 goodness in a wrapper. You go to town. You tear through the liner, devour half the contents of this bar. And you momentarily slip into a blissful state with a nice almond after taste in your mouth. However, you wake up feeling really fat. And you remember that chocolate can only buy you happiness $5 at a time. Oh well. Life goes on. Folks, I don’t know what you want me to say here. 4 chest quality chocolate at an unbeatable price. You can’t go wrong. I’m sorry also, it may or may not bring back prior love flames. Time will tell. Go grab some though and let us know what you think down below! $4.99

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