Trader Joe’s Taco Seasoning Mix Review

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Trader Joe’s Taco Seasoning Mix Review

I used to have to make a separate trip to the regular grocery store when it came time for taco night. For a long time I had been using the Lowry’s brand taco seasoning mix. I was happy to see when TJ’s finally came out with their own seasoning mix. I was not sure what to expect, but yet again, convenience factor coupled with a superior product flavor make this one a sure winner. The good. Perfect spicy flavor, not overly hot, but just the right amount of pep to kick your taco concoctions up a notch. The bad, no surprise, but high in sodium. And the amount of seasoning is more appropriate I think for 2 pounds of ground beef or whatever else you’re cooking with, so you may end up needing to prepare a larger proportion than you normally would, as most of us are probably only cooking one pound at a time. Not a huge deal, but I think it’s just too concentrated for 1 pound portions. You tell me though, let me know what you think down below!

Trader Joe’s Taco Seasoning Mix Usage Idea

Faux Taco Bell tacos! Guaranteed to be better for you than the real deal, and I would challenge you to say that they taste way better too! All it is: Trader Joe’s Beef-Less Ground Beef, Trader Joe’s Taco Seasoning Mix, Trader Joe’s Taco Shells, Trader Joe’s Lite Mexican Blend Cheese, and Trader Joe’s Shredded Iceberg Lettuce. Yo Qiero Trader Bell (Spoken by creepy Chihuahua dog). I like to put Tapatillo on mine too.

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