Trader Joe’s Taco Shells Review

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Trader Joe’s Taco Shells Review

These taco shells more than fit the bill when taco night comes around. Not a whole lot I can tell you about them. I feel like they are slightly more thick and a little more corn flavored than your run of the mill generic store bought brand. Once again, a real convenience to buy at TJ’s, but wont necessarily totally alter the outcome of your taco night. Oh yeah, great crunch too! Don’t forget to toast them. But careful not to let em go too long. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked away from the toaster oven for just a minute too long and I’ve come back to black taco shells. Haha, que moronico. Is that even a word? Anyways, let me know what you think down below!

Trader Joe’s Taco Shells Usage Idea

Faux Taco Bell tacos! Guaranteed to be better for you than the real deal, and I would challenge you to say that they taste way better too! All it is: Trader Joe’s Beef-Less Ground Beef, Trader Joe’s Taco Seasoning Mix, Trader Joe’s Taco Shells, Trader Joe’s Lite Mexican Blend Cheese, and Trader Joe’s Shredded Iceberg Lettuce. Yo Qiero Trader Bell (Spoken by creepy Chihuahua dog). I like to put Tapatillo on mine too.

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