
Trader Joe’s Green Jackfruit in Brine Review

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Trader Joe’s Green Jackfruit in Brine Review

I think all of us have those things you walk by in the store and you wonder to yourself, gee, what the heck is that?! I noticed this jackfruit stuff a while back, but didn’t work up the gumption to try it till after gaining some inspiration at a vegetarian restaurant in Salt Lake city. I had no idea how to use the stuff prior to this, but basically this is a vegetable that when cooked up resembles the consistency and surprisingly enough the flavor as well, as that of pulled pork. It sounds weird, I know, but just trust me! It comes out of the can cut up into approximately 1 inch by 1 inch chunks. It breaks up pretty easily too when you start working with it. It cooks up to be chewy, stringy, and a tad salty. All in a good way. Whatever you season it with also, it’s gonna soak up all that flavor like a sponge! I feel like the possibilities are endless here! But my preference so far has been to saute in with a little bit of oil. I was weary at first, but much like the Monkeys sang back in the 60’s, HEY HEY HEY! NOW I’M A BELIEVER! This stuff rocks! Wow your friends by introducing them to something new that they have likely never had before! Give it a shot, and let us know what you think down below!

Jackfruit Usage Idea

One of my rock-star creations so far has included this item! What a real winner here! I started by sauteing some red onions. Set those aside, then sauteed the jackfruit in a little vegetable oil and seasoned it with salt and pepper, breaking it up progressively as it cooked. When the jackfruit tasted done I slopped in some Trader Joe’s Bourbon BBQ Sauce. Set this on a toasted Trader Joe’s Honey Wheat Hamburger bun, topped with the onions, and finished it off with a drizzle of plain yellow mustard. Yee haw! Look Ma, no meat! Bet you can’t even tell the difference.

For more info visit: http://www.traderjoes.com/

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