Trader Joe’s Fresh Mozzarella Cheese Sticks Review

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Trader Joe’s Fresh Mozzarella Cheese Sticks Review

The Fresh Mozzarella cheese sticks are quite a bit different than the normal string cheese type of Mozzarella stick most of us are used to. I appreciate what they are trying to do here as far as offering a more premium sort of cheese stick, but unfortunately these fall just a little bit short in my opinion. I get that fresh Mozzarella is always stored in a brine bath, but the biggest adjective that I can use to describe these is: watery. Not just watery in the sense that they are packed with added water content and emerge slimy when you open up the wrapper, but watery as in the sense of diluted flavor and texture. Not as tasty and not as firm in consistency as what I was expecting. I know these are probably more arguably “real” cheese as compared to other cheese sticks, but hmm, I guess if you want a slimy, mushy, tasteless cheese rod…uh, these might be up your alley. I don’t know guys, not impressed. Let us know what you think down below though.


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