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After a long day of herding sheep I like to come inside and have a nice shepherds pie for dinner. Unfortunately I don’t have my tavern wench living with me anymore that can whip one of these up, so I’ve been forced to find alternatives. So the next best thing is having a frozen pie from TJ’s in the freezer waiting for me. As I’ve said before, I’m not typically a fan of frozen dinners, but sometimes you’ve just got to do it, like on days when you’re too tired to cook because the sheep have been misbehaving all day. Ok, had enough of my nonsense yet? I’ll get to the point. This pie was delicious. Not too salty. Filling and vegetables were hearty and tasty. And the beef they used was excellently moist and soft! Only thing that maybe could have been tweaked a little was the ratio of mashed potatoes to filling that lay beneath. But other than that, an all around winner here. Give it a try! Let us know what you think down below. $4.49

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