
Trader Joe’s Gruyere Cheese Aged 6 Months

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Trader Joe’s Gruyere Cheese Aged 6 Months Review

You know I have to be honest. i really don’t have as much experience with Gruyere as I do with other varieties of cheese out there in the Trader Joe’s arsenal. In fact, this was my first time buying a hunk of Gruyere for myself. I know. I know. I’m not worth the dirt on your shoes to you now and my opinions don’t matter anymore. I should just take down this website and jump off a bridge. That, or, continue to build my cheese resume and re-apply myself again in 6 months. I think I’ll choose the latter! Geeze, what a tough crowd!

Anyways, anyways…the cheese. It was really really good! Reminded me slightly of the flavor edginess that Swiss cheese has to it. You know, just that little bit of sour smokiness that Swiss has. But at the same time rounded out with creaminess and sweetness. Texture wise, a little more on the firm end of things, which I really liked here. I pictured this cheese going well with some dried figs and a glass of Pinot Noir. Mmmm, now we’re talking! Why don’t you go grab a hunk and formulate your own opinion though? Then I can point my finger at you for a change. At any rate, a solid 3 chester here! Give it a try and let us know what you think down below! $9.99/lb

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