Trader Joe's Siracha

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When I bought this, I assumed that sriracha was sriracha was sriracha. You know, kind of like buying gasoline from the Shell station or the Exxon? Gasoline is Gasoline, right? Apparently I was wrong. Like many of you, you’ve probably had the “old school” version of sriracha at any given Asian food restaurant. You know, the one with that wonderful green nipple on the top? So I honestly thought to myself, welp, how much different could the Trader Joe’s version really be? I mean, it’s just hot sauce, what could possibly go wrong? Well, to my disappointment the stuff just wasn’t what I was expecting. Most importantly it was lacking in the Jackie Chan spicy kick in the pants  department. A little on the mild side for what I feel sriracha normally is. A bit on the watery side as far as consistency was concerned. And just generally lacking in the flavor department overall. The stuff got the job done though, so I don’t wanna say don’t buy it. If you are in a pinch, need to add a little spice kick to your dish, and you don’t want to make another stop on the way home for hot sauce then go for it. I found myself actually adding it to other things during the time I’ve owned the bottle as a means of just getting rid of it. For example, I did a half half mix with mustard to kick that up a notch…

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