trader joes bratwurst sausage

Trader Joe’s Bratwurst Review

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I recently took a trip to Europe and passed through the magical land of brats. No, not the land of annoying spoiled little girls, the land of sausage! Well, one of the many sausage infested lands out there anyways. But I’m talking of course about Germany. Having had my fill of various forms of the German take on sausage whilst on the trip, I feel as though as I came back with a slightly enhanced knowledge of what a good quality bratwurst should and should not be. I have to say, my hopes were high when I bought these weenies, but I’m sad to say that they just weren’t what I was expecting. The spice mixture wasn’t all that exciting. The flavor was ho hum, and they had this really strange after taste that I can describe, unfortunately in no other way, as sour. Yeah…I know! Sour….strange…but that’s what my takeaway was. The one upside I can tell you about these sausages was the heartiness of the pork they used. It was quite meaty, a good consistency, and not overly greasy or fatty. One last thing I will say, I pan fried these when I prepared them. I’m not sure if grilling them would have yield all that much different of a flavor out of them. But hey, maybe worth a shot if you are dead set on trying them. Honestly though friends, I would look elsewhere to feed your craving for German sausages. Let us know what you think down below. $3.99

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