trader joes middle eastern flatbread pita

Trader Joe’s Middle Eastern Flatbread Review

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It’s really hard to find a decent, off the shelf, flatbread in my extensive shopping experience. And it’s so hard to emulate that darn perfect pita bread that you ate at Sammy’s Pita cart in New York several years ago! No really, the place was untouchable…if you’re ever there, you’ve just gotta…oh right right. TJ’s review…gosh I get so sidetracked so quickly!

Anyways, these dealies here, real good stuff! Not too doughey, perfectly chewey, not too dry or too moist, they heat up well, and they make for some really off the hook concoctions! Some of the things that I’ve done with them: Used them to make spicy chicken sausage wraps, used them to make Greek style gyros, used them to play frisbee in the park on Sunday afternoon. Oh wait, I wasn’t supposed to admit that last one! But the possibilities are endless here folks. Use your imagination!

Por conclure, the only think holding these back from a 4 chest rating, is the undeniable fact that you can just never fully match the pita bread experience that you are going to have when you eat at any given proper middle eastern food joint. They’ve just always got it dialed in on the bread front. Let us know what you think down below! $1.99

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