Trader Joe’s Extra Virgin Tunisian Olive Oil

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Let me start this review by just coming out and admitting something to you. I am Italian. Full blooded. Yes yes, I know what you’re thinking, wow, this guy’s blog just got a whole lot more credible and awesome! Or…well..maybe you know some Italians, and you don’t like them for some strange reason… and in that case…umm..I’m actually an extra terrestrial from the planet of Olive Oil-landia! Ahem…not buying that one? Well, In either case, all I’m trying to tell you is that I know my olive oils well. I’ve been around olive oil my whole life and I know a thing or two about the stuff. Shoot I’ve practically got the stuff coursing through my veins I feel like! And I am hear to tell you that this is one dang fine product at one heck of a price point! This EVOO has the perfect viscosity and mellow yet slightly “buttery” flavor that you’d come to expect from on of those high brow, designer, hoity toity EVOO’s you might find elsewhere. Who cares where the stuff comes from! It tastes great and it wont break the bank! Go ahead! treat yourself to the good stuff! You can now have a bottle of the extra virgin stuff in your kitchen arsenal at the price it costs to normally buy the TJ’s branded regular olive oil. What a deal! Let us know what you think down below! $5.99



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