Eating weeds?! What the heck, who does that anyways? I thought only hippies did that in Colorado now that its legal?! Oh wait, wait…weeds? From the sea? Umm…well, that’s a totally different story now isn’t it? I guess if the Japanese are doing it, it’s fine. They invented Nintendo too, so I’ll give their snacks a try. That was my rational going into tying this snack that I NEVER would have thought I’d have ever liked in a million years. The smell of sea weed always kind of grossed me out, but I’m telling you, these things are not overpowering in the least bit. In fact, the taste of seaweed is so subtle and it mixes so well with the wasabi and salt I feel like it almost makes for a totally unique flavor unto itself, which is damn delicious I might add. These things are so thin, flakey, and crunchy it makes for a snack unlike anything you’ve ever tried before. Delicate. Simple, Spicy. Perfection. $0.99