Trader Joe’s Kale Review
Who really knows the why or the how of the fad that became the kale movement of the 20-teens. I mean, the stuff has been around for ages, yet all of a sudden it’s trendy and hip to eat kale. Like, oh, look at me, I’m so high and mighty and health conscious. And I look down and spat upon that garbage that is Romaine on your plate. And even more than that, if you even think about eating iceberg we can’t even associate in public places anymore. Ok, ok, all joking aside, and however cool or not cool eating kale makes you, the stuff is here to stay. You might as well get on the band wagon if you haven’t done so already. The stuff is undeniably nutritious!
As for the kale selections at TJ’s, this is hands down my favorite. My good ol’ standby when I just don’t know what other greenery to buy. Think of it as a middle of the road kale. It’s not overly bitter, yet has some bite to it. It’s not overly meaty and hearty and hard to chew. You know what I’m talking about. Those kale’s that make you feel like a cow chewing on hay? Takes you like 6 minutes to chew? Don’t laugh! You know it’s true! This one leans toward the softer side of things. This stuff just rocks. Goes great right into the salad bowl. Steams up nice. Sautes well. You don’t even gotta wash the stuff! Hallelujah! The messiah of kales is here. Go get some! And get off your high horse already. $1.49
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Cooking Idea
Here’s a little inspiration for ya. I use this kale ALL THE TIME to make salads, but I love adding it to whatever I’m cooking. I threw some into this pasta concoction I was cooking one night. All Trader Joe’s stuff in there. It’s just kale, tri colored pasta, vegetarian sausage, chili peppers, olives, salt, pepper, and olive oil! Killer dish! Pulled that one together solely from some randomness I had on hand that night.