I guess it’s hip to make chips out of whatever the heck you please these days. I mean, who in history really gets to claim the status of the inventor of the chip? Is it the potato guy? The tortilla guy? Do you think they would get into a fist fight if they ever saw each other on the street?? Oh well, who cares. And what other sorts of things will we see made into chips as the years roll forward? I’ll be waiting in suspense over here hanging on the edge of my seat personally. That’s how exciting my life is. Anyways, the pita guy came along long after these chaps, but I’ll tell ya, he done good! All in all this is a very tasty snack! Goes well on its own or maybe with some hummus or something of the like to dip it in! I’ve bought other pita chips from other brands, but I’ll tell ya the thing I really really like about these ones is the fact that they have figured out how to make each chip come out as just one separate side of the pita when they cooked them, so they are a bit thinner than others that are out there, if that all makes sense. With other brands you end up with a really thick chip because they cook both sides of the pita into one chip. Just my preference maybe, but I prefer the thinner crisp. Only thing holding these back from a 4 chest rating is the seasoning. Not that it’s bad by any means whatsoever, it’s just that the plain sea salted version of these is just perfection, and I’ve gotta reserve that 4th chest for those guys. Whatever flavor you’re into, these things rock! Give them a try and let us know what you think down below! $1.99