When I told my friend Peter that I was drinking a shandy the other day, I think he wasn’t sure weather to question my man
Month: May 2017

About 6 months ago I made the shift from cow’s milk to the alternative. You can do your own research, but for me I just

Not bad at all! I really like the grainy taste/texture they’ve got going on here. The coconut really adds an added dimension of flavor complexity

Kinda makes me think of mango jerky if there was such a thing! Kinda a leathery sort of chewiness to them that I just can’t

Alright. I’m gonna shoot you straight here people. It’s a freakin’ pound of Belgian chocolate! What else do you want me to say? Creamy. Sweet.

Trader Joe’s Kale Review Who really knows the why or the how of the fad that became the kale movement of the 20-teens. I mean,

This stuff is just OK. You’re not missing much if you pass this one up. It’s one of those wines where you’ve tried it once,

Ingredients: 3 cups lukewarm water 6.5 cups all purpose flour 1 package of regular or quick active dry yeast 1.5 tbsp kosher salt Process: 1.

Poached eggs, pulled pork, and potatoes.

I just love a great pun! And by great pun, I mean horrible pun. And by horrible pun, I mean talk of finding ones inner