trader joes pizza veggie burgers

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Trader Joe’s Pizza Veggie Burger Review

So you know Trader Joe’s is sort of known for zany creations and whacky combinations of flavors in the various products they sell. I give them credit. Lots of credit for being different, and I think that’s one of the reasons we all love them so much. So when I was walking down the aisle one day and I noticed pizza burgers, I said to myself…gahh, there’s just no way! How can this possibly taste good?! I had to try them.

First thing that hit me about these burgers was how much the texture emulated that of a true meat patty! I have sampled many veggie burgers over the past few years and the average consistency your’re gonna find in these things is kind of a loosey goosey almost waterey texture of a patty that sometimes barely stays together when you try to move it around after cooking. Although many of these products taste great the texture for me is something that really is important.

Flavor wise also, these things hit you in a unique way and really are unlike anything else I’ve ever had. You really sense a bunch of that cheese flavor, basil, and an almost spicy tomatoey marinara saucey sort of flavor as you chew through it. Really catches you off guard considering you’re eating a burger and expecting something else, but if you’re up for something a little different I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

Now when I made mine, I put onion, kale, bbq sauce, siracha, and mustard on it. Something you might put more on your typical burger. Not bad, but given this is not your typical burger, next time I might just put a tomato slice and a Romaine lettuce leaf on it and call it good. Maybe a touch of catsup. I think that would make a better flavor complement, but hey, get creative here and try whatever you like! Trader Joe certainly is.

Only thing negative about this product is the fact that the patties don’t come individually wrapped like most other veggie burgers I’ve bought do, including many from Trader Joe’s. Also, I think that if they found a way to kind of take the pizza flavor out of these patties, i.e. do away with the spicy tomato flavor, and just make a “plain” version using all the other ingredients they’d have a rockstar product on their hands! Either way, this one’s a reall winner here! Give them a shot and let us know what you think down below! $3.99

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