trader joes fire roasted bell peppers and onions

Trader Joe’s Fire Roasted Bell Peppers and Onions

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Trader Joe’s Fire Roasted Bell Pepper and Onion Review

One thing that really sets Trader Joe’s apart from other grocery stores is what they do with their frozen products. These peppers are a glaring example of just that! How unique, right? Love the charred flavor that comes through when you cook with these. If you are looking to kick up the taste complexity of whatever you’re cooking by a few notches just throw a few of these guys in! They’re the perfect “additive”.

Pretty basic product here so not sure what else to say. Oh yes, a lot of times when you buy frozen peppers, they cook up to be a bit on the mushy side. Not sure how they pulled it off, but these don’t do that nearly as much as other similar products I’ve bought! You still get a little bit of firmness to the veggies even after cooking. Of course, go easy on them when you prepare them to achieve this. I guess you might say that these seem a bit more “fresh”, if you can even use that word to describe a frozen product. Some things I have added them to in my home cooking: fajitas, burritos, egg scrambles, and rice and bean concoctions, just to name a few.

Give them a shot and let us know what you think down below! Also let us know how you have used them in your home cooking! $2.99

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