
Trader Joe’s Formaggio Lagorai Cheese

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Trader Joe’s Formaggio Lagorai Cheese Review

Well, I’m not sure how useful of a review I can provide here other than to tell you this stuff is pretty darn good! Kinda tastes like something along the lines of a Gruyere cheese, but maybe a little more sweeter. On the firm side, and definitely not flakey. Real delicious. Now then, since I haven’t provided you with much information, I figured I’d try to give you something useful here.

As per Trader Gioto, the milk used to make this cheese “comes from cows that feast on pristine Alpine grasses. Their fresh milk is shipped daily to skilled dairy artisans, who filter and chill it (to maintain it’s natural characteristics) and then process it following the recipe, exactly as it appears on the back of that old skimmer.”

You’re probably wondering like I was, what the heck is Lagorai anyways? Well, specifically it’s a mountainous region of Trentino, Italy. Thank you Google for making me feel dumb once again. I did not know this.

So there you have it. As an Italiano also, I musty say, I have learned something today about my native land. Go get some for yourself! Let us know what you think down below! $

Usage Idea

Just a simple little snack plate here. This was my mid day munch! Trader Joe’s mixed nuts, Trader Joe’s Multi Grain Crackers, Trader Joe’s Lagorai cheese, and some wild plums I picked from a tree in my neighborhood. So simple. So good!

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