
Trader Joe’s Ancient Grains and Nuts Granola Cereal Review

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Trader Joe’s Ancient Grains and Nuts Granola Cereal Review

I was really shocked to learn that Trader Joe unearthed the tomb of a Pharaoh and found a large stock pile of ancient grains and nuts granola cereal just sitting around which had been buried with King Routin Tutin and his wife Queen Hotsie Totsie some several thousand years ago. I was even more shocked to contemplate why they would bag them up and sell them to us! But whatever, how nice of them! I don’t see any other way they could possibly be selling ancient grains and nuts granola to us, do you??

Ok, Ok. Maybe your’re right. Maybe that’s not excatly what transpired for them to bring these to us, but who cares!? This granola mixture is on point and delicious! Not overly salty or sugary, nice flavor hint from the coconut, and I really like the small crunches you get out of the small little quinoa and chia seeds that are in there. I kept getting frustrated though because I kept getting one of those little buggers stuck between my teeth! Sent me running for the dental floss everytime! Oh well, a small price to pay indeed. Go grab some for yourself and let us know what you think down below!


Usage Idea

I’m a simple man! Throw some Trader Joe’s Almond Beverage over a bowl of these! Tried and true classic right there. Can’t go wrong with that.

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