Trader Joe's Wild Caught Argentinian Shrimp Red Review

Trader Joe’s Wild Caught Argentinian Red Shrimp Review

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Trader Joe’s Wild Caught Argentinian Red Shrimp Review

I love the larger size of these Argentinian shrimp! I really think also that for a wild caught frozen seafood product they really are great value for your money! Reminds me of lobster flesh each time I cook with them. And as the bag mentions, they really do have a slight sweetness to them that makes them stand out in my book. A highly versatile product to cook with, and as far as I’m concerned they taste about as fresh as a prepackaged product possibly could! What’s not to love here!? I wan’t to know what you guys think though? How do these stack up to other frozen shrimp you’ve bought? Let us know what you think down below! $9.99

Argentinian Shrimp Usage Idea

I’m a huge fan of grilling these little guys! What I like to do is toss them in a bowl with a bunch of Cajun seasoning, skewer them, and throw them on the barbie! I’ll also grill a bunch of bell peppers with them on the side, and serve them over a bed of steamed white rice. Drizzle the whole mix with a touch of olive oil and dash them with crushed red pepper. Pretty simple, pretty basic, but pretty dang good!

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