
Trader Joe’s Dried Flattened Bananas Review

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Trader Joe’s Dried Flattened Bananas Review

Have you ever wondered what you would get if you mashed up a bunch of bananas, threw them out in the middle of the street on a hot day, and rolled them over repeatedly with your car? Well, apparently, Trader Joe decided to give that one a shot, and they ended up with dried flattened bananas. Oh wait, what? That’s not how they make these? Well, I feel silly now!

All ridiculous jokes aside, these things are legit! I kind of think of them like banana jerky. Or maybe like a rubberized version of this dried up fruit. How ever you look at them, they are darn delicious, and nutritious! Nice and sweet, chewy, appropriately dry and not slimey at all. They pack and keep excellently, and they are all natural! The only bad thing I have to say about them is that they can be a little hard to tear apart once you open up the package. But that’s not really a deal breaker at all. I love these things! Give them a try, and let us know what you think down below! $1.99

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