Trader Joe’s Greek Whole Milk Yogurt Avocado Citrus Review
The first time I walked by this Avocado Citrus Yogurt in the aisle of my local Trader Joe’s, I did a double take. The heck are these guys thinking, I thoght to myself. What a baizare flavor combination. I’ve gotta tell you though, this one is a real sleeper here! A true rockstar in the yogurt section! Do not be scared off from trying this!
If you are like me, you’re probably tired of all the normal fruity flavors that we have all been eating for several years now. You need a little adventure in your life, and you can think of no other way in your life to feed this need other than trying new yogurt flavors. Well, maybe that’s just me I guess. Haha. Oh how exciting my life is. I digress. The citrus flavor is real subtle, and the avocado adds just a slight cool sweetness to the mix that just works so well here. The tastes is not overpowering in the least bit and it’s just something new that I’ve never seen done before. I highly advice you. Live life on the edge every once and a while. Go on…challenge yourself. Let a little adventure into your day. Go on and try this whacky yogurt! Let us know what you think down below! $1.49
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