
Trader Joe’s Sugar Glazed Lebkuchen Cookies Review

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Trader Joe’s Sugar Glazed Lebkuchen Cookies Review

I’ve gotta admit something here guys. Something I’m kinda embarrassed about. But I’m a big believer in honesty, so…here goes. I think I might have just ate paper. But the truth is…I JUST DON’T KNOW. I mean, I really, really don’t know. Now your’re probably thinking, has Mike lost his brains? Well, just hear me out. Ok, the cookie part. Um, it’s great! Soft, great kick of ginger, nice and sweet, and pleasantly satisfying. Unfortunately, the glazed part of the cookie is what really threw me here. On the bottom of the cookie there is a layer of glaze that seriously, no joke, tastes like paper. At first bite, I stopped myself from chewing, and removed the chunk of cookie from my mouth to verify. I thought there might have been one of those parchment type pieces of paper cooked onto the bottom of the cookie that was intentionally meant to be torn away from the cookie before eating. But upon closer inspection of the other cookies, and after trying and trying and trying, there was nothing coming off easily! I tried another cookie. No avail! I tried eating another. Yup, still tastes like paper! What the heck is going on here!? Im so confused. Can anyone verify if in fact I was eating paper? Did you all taste the same thing?! It’s a darn shame I’ll tell ya! What would have otherwise been a solid 4 chest-er is demoted to a 1 chest-er because of the texture of the bottom glaze on this cookie! Let me know what you guys think down below! $2.49

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