
Trader Joe’s Italian Roast Coffee Review

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Trader Joe’s Italian Roast Coffee Review

If you’ve ever felt the need to momentarily transport yourself back to that moment in time when you sat on that street side cafe in the heart of Venice, gingerly sipping that cup of Americano coffee as you watched the sun come up over the canals, then this is your vessel! Let yourself be swept away for a brief time in your day. Allow yourself to slip into that deep trance of relaxation. Forget about that nagging neighbor upstairs who’s been complaining about how loud your bathroom fan sounds from 2 floors above you, or that pesky girlfriend who’s been badgering you to stop drinking all together because you innocently fell asleep on the couch one night and missed her calls. Just let it all go! And relax! Go on, take another sip of this delicious coffee! It’s bold, it’s deep, and it’s ohhh sooo smoooth. And let’s not forget, it’s Italian inspired (the beans don’t actually come from Italy). So it’s just plain out and all around, well…better. Just like me. Give it a shot though! Let us know what you think down below! I am certain, you WILL NOT be disappointed! One of the better coffees out of all the stuff that Trader Joe’s sells! $7.99

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