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Trader Joe’s Soy Chorizo Review

I’m always blown away when I find meat substitute products that taste nearly identical to the real thing! Chorizo has always been one of my guilty pleasures, but we all know how unhealthy it can be. So I rarely eat it. But with this soy stand in, you can get your chorizo fix and not feel as bad! From a consistency standpoint, the stuff resembles the real thing so darn well. Comes out a little chewy when you cook it up, and the spicy flavor. Well, pshh, just like the real thing! This one’s an all star here guys! Even you regular meat eaters, give this stuff a try! I want to know what you think about it! Let us know how you feel down below! $2.29

Chorizo Usage Idea

Soy chorizo hash breakfast! Andale amigos! Pan fried red potatoes, sauteed red onions, and Trader Joe’s Soy Chorizo cooked up into the mix to tie it all together. Topped here with a fried egg and a slice of whole wheat flax seed toast. Eat your heart out muchachos! Tastes so dang good!

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