trader joes peppermint ice cream

Trader Joe’s Mini Hold the Cone Peppermit Flavor Ice Cream Cones Review

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Trader Joe’s Mini Hold the Cone Peppermint Flavor Ice Cream Cones Review

I assume these are a seasonal thing, and it’s fitting indeed that these come out around the holidays. So, yeah! Let’s have a peppermint party why don’t we!? These ice cream cones rock though! There’s not much to say other than the fact that they are tasty and the peppermint flavor is a nice change up to the regular chocolate and vanilla flavors I generally buy. And this is the first time I’ve seen them use chocolate flavored cones! The thing I’ve always liked about items like these at Trader Joe’s is the mini size. You get to fill your craving for eating an ice cream cone without consuming such a large portion. Just the right amount to make you happy. The really funny thing is that the box lists the serving size as 3 cones though. Hmm, not sure about that, unless you want to grow a Santa sized belly. Maybe you do. I don’t know. Just don’t leave these out on the fireplace for Santa when he comes. They will melt into a puddle. Let us know what you think down below! $

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