lentil pasta

Trader Joe’s Organic Red Lentil Sedanini Pasta Review

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Trader Joe’s Organic Red Lentil Sedanini Pasta Review

One thing that stuck out to me as I was buying this pasta was the condition of the plastic bag as I looked at this item in the store. You know, you can always tell which products stores move a lot of by the shape of the bags, and therefore, you can sort of gauge how popular and potentially how good a product may be. if the bag looks old and overly wrinkled, it may be a bad sign. An imperfect science perhaps, but I figured, what the heck, I’m gonna give these little guys a shot. By no means a terrible product, but not necessarily an all-star either. A lot of times when you buy bean based pastas, the consistency of the cooked product is not quite what you’re used to with normal flour based pastas. This one is not bad though, provided you don’t over cook the noodles. Also, the flavors sometimes can be a bit funky, but once cooked, these things tasted like a normal, almost more hearty and wheaty pasta to me. Not “beany” at all. Not bad. One thing I actually really liked about them though was that they were VERY filling, so you don’t need to eat a lot! More protein, and a physically smaller portion than what you might normally eat of a flour based pasta makes for a fine trade off in my book! Not bad if you’re trying to keep it healthy! Give them a shot, and let us know what you think down below!

Pasta Usage Idea

I started by dicing up some vegetarian sausage, throwing them in a heated pan with some olive oil, then sauteing in some sliced yellow onion. I next added my home made, from scratch, tomato sauce and brought up the heat with some crushed red pepper. Boiled the noodles separately then combined the whole mix! Not a bad dish of pasta…

For more info visit: http://www.traderjoes.com/

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Rating: 3.3/4. From 4 votes.
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