trader joes moon x red wine blend

Trader Joe’s MOON X Red Wine Blend Review

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Trader Joe’s MOON X Red Wine Blend Review

There really needs to be a hall of fame for TJ’s wines that stand out. I really should start that, and maybe this bottle should be the lead off label! Seriously guys, if you haven’t tried the Moon X yet, get off your butt right now and go buy a bottle! This is a solid go to for many reasons. Being a blend, you know it’s going to incorporate a lot of the best qualities that each grape variety brings to the table. An all around winner for the reason of the roundedness in my book. Fruity, not overly sweet, slightly on the bold and hearty side, and a little inky, if you’ll allow the comparison. I know that may be hard to understand, but grab a bottle and I think you’ll see what I mean. This wine is just SOLID. All the way around. I LOVE it. Go grab some, and let us know what you think down below! $6.99

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