Trader joes romaine lettuce

Trader Joe’s Romaine Hearts Lettuce Review

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Trader Joe’s Romaine Hearts Lettuce Review

I’ve often stayed up late at night pondering life’s great mysteries. Mysteries such as, where did the name Romaine come from?? Did this lettuce originate in Romania?! Did the ancient Romans cultivate this variety of lechuga? Did some farmer named Roman want to make history?! Well, hell if I know the answers to these things. And why don’t you get on Google and look it up if you really wanna know, you lazy bum. Why are you looking to me for such wisdom? I’m just some yay-hoo on the internet. Anyways, let’s get down to the point here. This lettuce is a great buy, and definitely one of my favorite regular grabs at Trader Joe’s. Number one, the price point is more than reasonable. And number two, it’s ultra consistent! I honestly can’t say I’ve ever bough a bad bag of this crunchy green goodness! But I have to admit something guys, I’m one of those people who kinda fishes around a few rows back and doesn’t grab the most forward facing bag! I want fresh! Fresh Fresh Fresh! As fresh as I can get it! I always wonder if people look at me strange in the store when I’m doing this. Anyone else guilty of the same?? Go pick some up though, and let us know what you think of it down below! $1.99

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