trader joes medjool dates

Trader Joe’s Fancy Medjool Dates Review

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Trader Joe’s Fancy Medjool Dates Review

So, I recently took a trip to Morocco, and dates were just all the rage over there! They served them around the clock with all meals of the day. It was great! You ever have that experience, where you go on a trip, and you come back craving the foods you ate whilst on the road?? I’m frequently guilty of that. I call it travel food withdrawals. They have support groups for those types of things if you really need help, you know. Anyways, these dates are really fairly priced! On top of that, they taste fresh, pleasantly sweet, and nicely chewy. I love chomping on a few of these with my breakfast, or post dinner with a nice cup of mint tea! Mmmm, so good. Plus, like my old man is always saying, dates help to keep you regular! Now what’s not to like about that!? Thanks Dad for that jewel of wisdom! Haha. Anyways, these are an all around healthy snack. We should all be incorporating more of these types of foods into our diets! The Moroccans know what’s up. Go grab a box for yourself, and let us know what you think down below! $4.99

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