trader joes giant chalkidiki olives

Trader Joe’s Giant Chalkidiki Olives Review

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Trader Joe’s Giant Chalkidiki Olives Review

When I passed by these olives the first time I did one of those walk by, put the shopping cart in reverse, and take a second look maneuvers. Haha. Why, how random. Chalkidiki Olives?! I’ll bet most of you have no idea what the significance of that is. Well, allow me to educate you. Chalkidiki is a state in the northern part of Greece. It’s pronounced, “Hal-Kee-Dee-Kee”. And surprisingly, I have been there a few times now to visit my friend’s Uncle who lives in a small village in this state. A magical place called Aigios Mamas. A place where the Tsiporo flows freely, the bougatsa is baked fresh daily, and the gavros abundantly swim about the warm ocean waters at the beach right down the street. Now even more surprising, is the fact that my friend’s Uncle is a farmer in this small village. Still more coincidentally, he is an olive farmer who just doesn’t give a G** Damn about anything! I mean, the guy literally doesn’t have a care in the world, and it’s awesome to behold. So as I eat these olives, I just can’t help but wonder if they came from Chris’ farm?? How cool would that be!? Whatever he did, these olives taste great! Plump, juicy, a little bit “pickely”. But just an all around good eat. Probably more something that I’d serve as a stand alone snack, simply due to to their over-sized nature, but I’m sure they’d be great if you worked up the gumption to cut them up and work around the pits. A little more on the spongey-squishy side as compared to other olives that might be a little more crisp. But I dig em. Go grab some though, and let us know what you think down below! I’ll let Chris know! $2.29

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