One of my rock-star creations so far! What a real winner here! This is a Trader Joe’s Jackfruit vegetarian BBQ “pulled pork impostor” style sandwich
Month: December 2017

I’m a huge fan of having little burritos on hand to snack on here and there. I usually make the whole tortilla pack’s worth all

Just a simple little snack plate here. This was my mid day munch! Trader Joe’s Fancy Mixed Nuts, Trader Joe’s Multi Grain Crackers, Trader Joe’s

One of my all time favorite breakfasts! Super lean, packed with protein, and tasty as all hell. Everything shown there is straight from Trader Joe’s

Here’s a little inspiration for ya. I use this kale ALL THE TIME to make salads, but I love adding it to whatever I’m cooking.

Trader Joe’s 100 Mile Red Blend Wine Review That’s it, this bottle settles it for me! The TJ’s wine hall of fame is happening. I’m

Trader Joe’s New Zealand Grass Fed Sharp Cheddar Cheese Review Ah, New Zealand. The land of the long white cloud. If you’ve never heard of

Trader Joe’s MOON X Red Wine Blend Review There really needs to be a hall of fame for TJ’s wines that stand out. I really

Trader Joe’s Organic Multigrain Hot Cereal Oatmeal Review Now that’s it! I’ve had it with all these people trying to tell me what to do

Trader Joe’s Trader Joe’s Non-Fat Plain Greek Yogurt Review Ok, John Stamos needs to drop his contract with whoever else he’s promoting yogurt for right