My most recent pasta concoction included this product! I started out by sauteing some Trader Joe’s Sweet Baby Bell Peppers, Trader Joe’s Kale, Trader Joe’s
Month: January 2018

Trader Joe’s Organic Black Bean Rotini Pasta Review I’ve been on a kick lately trying to buy alternatively based pasta products to up my protein

Trader Joe’s Super Sweet Baby Bell Peppers Review I’m not sure at what point peppers cross the threshold of being able to be called super

Trader Joe’s Alfredo Pasta Sauce Review It really is tough to find a good Alfredo option in the stores I think. This one though, pretty

How do you use your sausage at home? This may be TMI for you, but I’ll tell you how I like to use mine at

Trader Joe’s Hot Italian Sausage Review These days, there are many brands of your basic Italian sausages out there in the refrigerator case at any

Trader Joe’s Organic Fair Trade Breakfast Blend Coffee Review This coffee is very much a middle of the road drinker. Medium on the body and

Trader Joe’s Whey Protein Powder Vanilla Flavored Review When faced with protein powder options we have an abundance of products to pick from these days.

Trader Joe’s 3 Seed Beet Cracker Review One of the reasons I like eating beets is not so much for the flavor or nutritional value

Trader Joe’s Extra Virgin Olive Oil Packed in Italy Review As far as olive oil goes, this stuff is the bee’s knees! Not really sure