Trader Joe's Organic Romaine Hearts Lettuce Review

Trader Joe’s Organic Romaine Hearts Lettuce Review

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Trader Joe’s Organic Romaine Hearts Lettuce Review

I wanted to buy this Romaine simply to see how it compared to the non-organic version. I have, admittedly, not yet fully bought into the organic craze. I’ll buy some things here and there, but by and large, I’m still buying mostly in-organic products. Topic of discussion for another day, but straight up, this lettuce does taste noticeably different from its in-organic counterpart. The leaves hit you with a plain out more earthy, “minerally”, deeper, leafy green taste. Not sure if this is just the batch that I had, but the heads that I had ate from this bag bordered slightly on the bitter side. All 3 of them for that fact. The in-organic ones taste almost watery by contrast, and these guys seem to just be outright more of a hearty head of lettuce. I really liked them, and I would certainly buy them again, just not sure I’ll totally stop buying the in-organic ones all together in favor of these. Let us know what you think down below! $2.49

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