Trader Joe's Whey Protein Powder Vanilla Flavored Review

Trader Joe’s Whey Protein Powder Vanilla Flavored Review

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Trader Joe’s Whey Protein Powder Vanilla Flavored Review

When faced with protein powder options we have an abundance of products to pick from these days. Usually, I buy my protein powder from the supplement store in town, but today I figured, what the heck, this is convenient, I’ll give the Trader Joe’s option a whirl. Sad to say, but I was disappointed with this product. Now normally, I’m one of those guys that buys the unflavored stuff, as I like to lean more on the flavors of the other things I’m putting into my shakes for the taste. But I have bought the flavored powder from time to time, so I feel I’ve got a bit of a measuring stick to compare this one to. This is the deal breaker for me here. It was way, way, way, waaaaaaaayyyyy too sweet for me! A fine quality to have in a significant other, but not in a protein powder. Maybe that’s just me. If you have more of a pallet for sweets, you might like this, but I feel the average person would probably find this one over the top in this regard. Sorry guys, gotta give this one a 1-chester. I’d seek your protein elsewhere. Let us know what you think down below though! $11.99

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