Trader Joe's Paniza Reserva 2012 Review

Trader Joe’s Paniza Reserva 2012 Review

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Trader Joe’s Paniza Reserva 2012 Review

Welcome back to the wine digest section of the website folks. I’m going to keep it real with you all and let you know that I’ve had a pretty full day so far at the time of this review. I hit the horse race track with my friend Danny K., and we subsequently hit up a local seafood bar for the crab artichoke dip appetizer, which was off the proverbial hook. But, I digress. The point of the story is this. I always write my wine reviews after the bottle has been open for at least a half day, so it has time to open up a bit. I cracked the bottle a few hours ago, and I wanted to see how things were. Well, I was hoping for more, but much to my chagrin, a plain and middle of the road bottle of boring red wine is all that remained. This Spanish blend of Tempranillo, Grenache, and Cabernet Sauvignon seemed to promise so much more, but it just didn’t deliver. This wine settled on the drier side of things, however sports some floral notes to keep the sweeter desirous tongue engaged. I taste strawberry jam and oak tree in this wine. Not sure I would buy it again, but once again not terrible. I don’t know guy’s maybe try another bottle before you try this one. Let us know what you think down below. $6.99

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