Trader Joe’s Mirepoix Vegetable Mix Review
Mirepoix. Noun: A mixture of sautéed chopped vegetables used in various sauces. Origin: French, named after the Duc de Mirepoix (1699–1757), French general. English translation? You’re lazy. You lazy, lazy dog. You don’t want to buy these vegetables individually and take the 3 minutes it takes to chop them up yourself?! You ought to be ashamed. Haha, I’m kidding of course, as I’m probably the king of lazy cooking. Joking aside, I love this product for one simple fact: convenience, like so many other products at Trader Joe’s. Other than that, umm, they taste like vegetables. Which is good. Right? It would be nice if the water content in the container was a little less, but that’s such a small thing to complain about. Overall, I dig these veggies. Let us know how you like to use them in your cooking at home. $2.99
Mirepoix Usage Idea
When you’re sick, the last thing you want to do is spend lots of time cooking. I like eating soup when I have a cold, but I don’t want to put in the work. This soup is stupidly simple, and I almost feel silly sharing this one, but this is more like one of those, hey this is just an idea and this is how I’m using these products at home, in stead of a hey, look at this genius cooking idea! All it is: One Trader Joe’s Mirepoix Mix, one Trader Joe’s Asian Vegetable Stir Fry Mix, one can of Trader Joe’s Cannellini beans, an arbitrary amount of water, and salted to taste. Throw in some pepper or herb flakes too if you like. Really simple, really good.
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