Trader Joe's Julienne Sliced Sun Dried Tomatoes in Olive Oil Review

Trader Joe’s Julienne Sliced Sun Dried Tomatoes in Olive Oil Review

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Trader Joe’s Julienne Sliced Sun Dried Tomatoes in Olive Oil Review

These sun dried tomatoes are everything you would expect. The tomatoes are chewy, have a slight tang to them, and add a more complex flavor profile to whatever you add them too. The thing that makes this product stand out though in my mind is the fact that they are packed in olive oil! Why you ask? Well quite honestly, I’m lazy. Like, super super lazy. And I don’t want to reach all that way up there and get the olive oil bottle off the shelf if I want to add sun dried tomatoes and olive oil into something I’m cooking. Ok, well, that all just sounds ridiculous, and it is, but hear me out. This olive oil is pretty much infused with flavor from the tomatoes and makes for an awesome addition to many dishes. I got the idea from my sister, who told me she threw the whole jar on top of a pound of pasta and ended up with a really easy pasta salad. How clever. I went on to use this product in my Hippie Mash, but you could just as easily use it in the same way with a wide variety of dishes. Let us know what you come up with down below! $

Sun Dried Tomatoes Usage Idea

I call this hippie mash. Why you ask? Well, it’s just really grainy, and I feel like I should be wearing Teva’s sandals and a tie-dye shirt whilst eating it, all while strumming my guitar singing some Bob Dylan. I digress, it is healthy for you though, and won’t make you turn into some granola worshiping freak just by consuming it. Like most of the things I do here, it’s really simple. I just combined some Trader Joe’s Tri-Colored Quinoa, Trader Joe’s Red Kidney Beans, Trader Joe’s Julienne Sliced Sun Dried Tomatoes in Olive Oil, Trader Joe’s Spinach, and Trader Joe’s Frozen Mushroom Medley. Watch out with those sun dried tomatoes though. It might make it a little too oily for some, so just use those accordingly.

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