Trader Joe's Elevation 1250' Paso Robles Appellation Red Wine 2013 Review

Trader Joe’s Elevation 1250′ Paso Robles Appellation Red Wine 2013 Review

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Trader Joe’s Elevation 1250′ Paso Robles Appellation Red Wine 2013 Review

This Elevation 1250 Appellation was a real find! So I was walking down the Trader Joe’s wine aisle today after an arduous day of house hunting. What a pain in the butt that is, right? All those people bumping into each other, swarming over these properties like flies on “you know what”. It’s ridiculous really. If you live anywhere in California, you probably know what I’m talking about. The experience is enough to drive anyone to drinking. Anyways, I stopped by good ol’ TJ’s on the way home with one thing in mind: I NEED WINE, NOW.

This bottle grabbed my eye. The first things I noticed were: new product, 2013 Paso Robles, $6.99. Not bad for a wine of this vintage. I threw it in my basket and home I went. Popped her open, let it breathe. Gave it a shot. Not bad! The bottle isn’t really clear, but I’m assuming this is some mix of Syrah and Petite Syrah. Seems fitting, tastes like it’s somewhere in the middle to me, probably leaning toward the Petite. I like that though. More medium bodied. Not dry at all. I taste vanilla and an ever so subtle tartness, sort of like crab-apple. I’m eating some Trader Joe’s Syrah Soaked Toscano Cheese with it and let me tell you, all those annoying people out at those open houses are the furthest thing from my mind right now. Except for one. There was this really cute agent I saw at two of the open houses. My gosh, she was hot. Anyways, back on point. Give this one a shot folks! Let us know what you think down below! I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. $6.99

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