Trader Joe’s Woven Wheat Wafers Review

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Trader Joe’s Woven Wheat Wafers Review

These Wheat Wafer crackers are a mighty fine knock off I must say! Let’s be real here, we all know that Trader Joe’s takes inspiration from other products we find at other stores. Now some times these imitations go well, other times, they are an abomination and send you running back to Safeway to grab the “real” thing as fast as your car will take you. These however, are a fine imitation of the Nabisco branded Triscuit. They did a good job here. They taste awfully similar to the real thing. Wheaty, salty, satisfying. However, one clear difference I can point out, is that the Triscuit crackers seem to be a bit more crispy, but then again, I think the ingredients are more “pure” in the Trader Joe’s rendition, and that might have something to do with it. At any rate, I love these things! Go grab a box, and let us know what you think down below! $2.49

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