Trader Joe’s Organic Coconut Milk Review

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Trader Joe’s Organic Coconut Milk Review

This coconut milk out shined the reduced fat version which I had tried previously. There’s a lot of times when you can rationalize going with the light version of XYZ product because it doesn’t change the end result of the taste of the food all that much, however, this is NOT one of those cases, at least in my humble opinion. Go with the full fattie version if you are trying to decide what coconut milk to roll with. The original version gives you that more focused sweetness and milky consistency that you are looking for. Not really much else I can tell you guys here. Not sure if the TJ’s brand outshines the other brands you’ve got out there either. But like many other things, it’s quality, and it’s convenient. Tell us what you like to use the coconut milk for in your cooking. My friend recently told me about using coconut milk in cooking with jackfruit. I’ll have to give that one a go someday. $1.69

Organic Coconut Milk Usage Idea

Like lots of things I cook here, there’s nothing genius about this. Just showing you what I did. This is Trader Joe’s Argentinian Shrimp, Trader Joe’s Spinach, and Trader Joe’s Organic Coconut milk all simmered together for about 30 mins on low, served on top of Trader Joe’s Tri Color Quinoa. Pretty good combination.

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