trader joes frozen garlic fries

Trader Joe’s Frozen Garlic Fries Review

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Trader Joe’s Frozen Garlic Fries Review

The Frozen Garlic Fries weren’t a bad buy if you are just looking to fill that craving you’ve been having for ballpark style garlic fries. Obviously, you can’t expect a whole lot from pre-cooked, frozen, and oven prepared fries. But this product was a solid attempt. Although, not exactly a home run in my opinion, the fries tasted pretty good once they cooked up. Crunchy, golden, and not blandly starchy like a lot of other frozen potato products can be. One thing that I didn’t realize until I got home and read the package, was that the fries don’t come “pre-garlic’ed”. You cook the fries by themselves, then heat up this little side packaged bag that has the oily garlic topping used to season them, so you pretty much have to prepare the whole bag at one time, unless you want to reseal that garlic bag and use later. Kind of a pain if you ask me, so I just prepared the whole thing all at once. Sadly, I ate them all too in one sitting. Not exactly proud of myself for that. But anyways, for me, this is one of those products that I have tried once, but likely wouldn’t buy again. Let us know what you think down below though!


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