la grande cote paso robles petite cote 2014

Trader Joe’s La Grande Cote Paso Robles Petite Cote 2014 Review

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Trader Joe’s La Grande Cote Paso Robles Petite Cote 2014 Review

The “La Grande Cote” bottle of wine likely caught your eye as it did mine. Look at that price, I thought to myself! Well, shoot, for $2.99, what’s the worst that could happen?! I loose 3 bucks!? Well..umm….uhh…shoot. I’m out 3 bucks. I wish I bought bubble gum instead. Alright, alright..ok…It’s not thaaaaat bad. But come on, it’s not thaaaaaat good either. You’re gonna need to let this one breathe a little first of all. Give it at least an hour. Then when you do get to tasting, you’ll be met with a dry and overly alcoholic bite. Very acidic in my opinion. I struggle to draw some flavor notes out for you guys even. I just keep tasting something sharp, like tart fruit. Hmmm. Not sure about this one guys. My advice…don’t bother. Keep moving. Much better stuff to be had at TJ’s. Shoot, I’d take a bottle of that rodent wine Charlie Shaw any day before I bought a bottle of this again. Haha. Just kidding Chuck, you know I love you. Can we work out an endorsement contract? Uh, no? Um….ok. I understand. Anyways, let me know what you guys think.


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