trader joes mini dark chocolate cookies

Trader Joe’s Mini Dark Chocolate Mint Coins Cookie Review

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Trader Joe’s Mini Mint Dark Chocolate Coins Cookie Review

I’m not sure why, but this box of Mini Dark Chocolate Mint Coins conjures up images in my mind of some burly pirate beating up an innocent, helpless girl scout in a dark alley and robbing her of her cookies, only to turn around and sell them for profit. Haha, I mean, come on, this is clearly a rip off of the Girl Scouts of America’s Mint Chocolate cookies that they sell. They even went so far as to give the box a camping theme, adorned with a merit badge, as if to rub it in their face somehow?! Haha, OK, maybe I’m being a little harsh, but maybe the Trader Joe’s corporation has it out for the Girl Scouts of America? Maybe they are jealous? After all, did you know that the largest sales force in the WORLD is the Girl Scouts of America?! Now there’s a fun fact for you. Anyways, these cookies are a pretty darn good knock off of what we are all used to when we buy a box of Girl Scout Cookies. Honestly, they taste exactly the same to me. They come in a smaller form than the Girl Scout version though, as such they market them as “coins”. Maybe you need some cookie currency to buy back your dignity after you’ve sold out and chose to support the Trader Joe’s corporation’s bottom line as opposed to those poor little do-good-ers that come knocking on your door looking to sell you sweets? Haha, whatever. I won’t judge you if you buy these. I did. I feel like a gigantic ass. Let us know what you think down below!


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