Trader Joe’s Organic Turkey Bites Review

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Trader Joe’s Organic Turkey Bites Review

Now let’s see, I hate to say this guys, but the first thought that went through my mind when I first bit into these organic turkey bites was, hmm…dog treats. Other thoughts followed…a turkey brownie? Tastes like somebody put some leftover Thanksgiving turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce into a blender, mashed up the mix into granola bar shapes, and let them sit out overnight. I hate to rain on anybody’s parade if you really liked these, but for me, this product was not really what I was expecting. You may be hoping for a more dried out, firm in texture, beef jerky sort of experience, but you are instead provided and overly moist, mushy, tart meat bar. The flavor overall was bearable, but the texture just kills it for me. Caught me off guard. My advice, pass this one over guys. Not really worth a try in my opinion. But if you did like them, let us know what you liked about them down below!


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