Trader Joe’s Sonoma Brinery Fresh Pickles Manhattan Style Review

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Trader Joe’s Sonoma Brinery Fresh Pickles Manhattan Style Review

Whenever I serve people pickles, I like to give them something large, firm, and flavorful. Nobody likes a small, soft, flaccid, and flavorless pickle, which is unfortunately most of what you get from your “run of the mill glass jarred on the shelf way too long pickle product”, including the ones that good ol’ TJ’s sells. At a certain point, I knew I had to step up my pickle game. Enter the refrigerator section at Trader Joe’s and welcome to the world of fresh, crunchy, tasty pickles! These things really stand up to the competition. Natural ingredients, a fresh crunch that just can’t be beat, and a unique spice profile that just slaps you silly! They even put whole peppers in the brine that they are packed in. I love these things. I’ll never go back to those other pickles again after tasting something fresh like these. Really interesting thing about how they made these too, is the fact that they don’t use vinegar at all. Only salt. Very cool. Let us know what you think down below!


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