Trader Joe’s Sriracha Shrimp Bowl Review

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Trader Joe’s Sriracha Shrimp Bowl Review

Is it just me or is sriracha in freaking everything these days? I mean, you can’t turn a corner at the store anymore without seeing sriracha something. Sriracha ranch dressing, sriracha mustard, sriracha deodorant, sriracha toothpaste, sriracha motor oil. Well, might as well jump on the bandwagon if you haven’t already, and what a better way to start than this freaking awesome Sriracha Shrimp Bowl! Now you all know how hard I am to impress with frozen meals…but…uh…damn. This thing is GOOD. I can’t believe I’m doing this, but this one is gonna get the highly coveted 4 chest rating! Some notes on it for ya. The rice, excellent. Has the consistency of a high quality paella. More firm, almost moistly crunchy. The vegetables didn’t taste freezer burned, and the baby corn was perfect. Now the shrimp I was a little worried about, but if I’m not mistaken, they come frozen in their uncooked state and they actually cook up to perfection as you prepare this. Just wow TJ’s. Way to go with that one. They actually tasted really good. Better than I was expecting. The water content was perfect also right out of the box, so no need to add anything and it definitely didn’t dry out when I cooked it (in the microwave). Lastly, the sriracha punch…LEGIT. It is SPICY though, so if you are sensitive, beware. I’ll give it a 7.5 on a scale of 1 to 10. All around a DAMN good product! Wow guys you really knocked it outta the park on this one. Ok, what’s next for us? Sriracha corn flakes? Sriracha hand lotion? Let us know what you think down below!


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