Trader Joe's Rolled Corn Tortilla Chips Chili and Lime Flavor Review

Trader Joe’s Rolled Corn Tortilla Chips Chili and Lime Flavor Review

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Trader Joe’s Rolled Corn Tortilla Chips Chili and Lime Flavor Review

At first glance, you probably thought the same thing as me! Wow, Trader Joe’s flamin hot Cheetos! Hoorah! Of course I had to try these things. All in all a decent impostor snack. Some observations for you though, which may make you opt for the real deal next time you are feeling like a pig. The light, airy, puffy texture that is a Cheeto is non existent here. These are totally different. The rolled tortilla chip is pretty dense and makes for a bit heavier of a snack. I wish they had gone opposite also on the composition of the chili and lime flavor, i.e. more chili and less lime. The slightly overly tangy bite of lime flavor can kinda upset your stomach in a way if you are sensitive to the acidity, especially if you eat these for breakfast while you’re hungover like Wendy. The chili flavor is VERY mild also, and won’t really leave those satisfied who prefer a really hot kick. Overall though, not bad. Give them a shot. Don’t know if these will be a regular stock in my kitchen, but let us know what you think down below!


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